Clelia Cadamuro is an Italian photographer and visual artist based in Venice.
She completed a BA in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and a MA in Photography at ISIA in Urbino.
Since 2012 she has been a member of the Metaforte Cultural Association, based in Punta Sabbioni (Venice). In 2020-21 she was one of the assignees of the residencies dedicated to young artists held by the Bevilacqua la Masa foundation (Venice). She has shown her works in several exhibitions in Italy and abroad; her photographs have been published in various magazines including Perimetro, i-D Italy, Urbanautica, Zero, MUFOCO, Artribune, Domus, Exibart, Il Giornale dell'arte, ITSLIQUID and others. She has also collaborated as a photographer with several projects related to the Venice Biennale.
Main publications
Animabilia, Clelia Cadamuro, published by Giostre edizioni, 2024
Partecipazione/Beteiligung by AKT & Hermann Czech - Austrian Pavilion catalogue - La Biennale di Venezia, 18th International Architecture exhibition, 2023, (photo contributor)
Matter of Lives - notes and records on the pluriverse, edited by Noemi Biasetton, Costanza Sartoris and Matteo Vianello (photo contributor), 2023
Pulse, The Venice Art Factor. An unconventional journey through contemporary art, published by Lineadacqua edizioni, (photo contributor), 2022
Capsula, published by Corraini edizioni, collective project with ISIA Urbino, supervised by Armin Linke and Giovanna Silva, 2021
Also published on
Perimetro, Urbanautica, Vice, i-D Italy, Artribune, Exibart, Domus, Vogue Germany, Document, Purple Fashion Magazine, Ombra magazine, Elle Decor, Ytali, Zero, Cabette, Art Vibes, Youthies magazine, ITSLIQUID, E-flux, World Architecture community, Espoarte, koozArch, Contemporary art daily, Designboom, Interior Design, Contemporary Art Library, ArtsLife, Selections art magazine, Infra-magazine, Artsy, Tropical Cream, Art Asia Pacific, ArcheoMe, ArtBasic, EMC magazine, Austria Architects, Artnet, IDEA magazine, Disegno Journal.
Francesco Fabbri Award, finalist in the Contemporary Photography section, curated by Carlo Sala.
Astromimesi, Clelia Cadamuro and Cristina Porro, two-person exhibition, Joystick Space, Venice.
Sapore di sale, curated by Marta Barina, Victoria Genzini, Elisa Carassai, Alessandro Merlo, Mare Karina, Venice.
Polycopies, ISIA Urbino thesis selection curated by Paola Binante and Alberto Sinigaglia.
Mountains at (He)art, Cober, ArtNoble Gallery, Milan.
In Laguna, curated by Yasmine Helou and Nadja Romain, Palazzo Experimental, Venice.
PEP New Talents, curated by Bénédicte Blondeau, 254Forest, Brussels.
Matter of Lives, curated by Costanza Sartoris, Noemi Biasetton, and Matteo Vianello, Associazione Metaforte, Venice.
Poison Green, curated by Eva Comuzzi, Piazza San Marco Gallery, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
Artefiera Bologna, curated by Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Bologna.
Wunderbar, group show, curated by BARdaDino, Venice.
Young Artists' Residence 2021 - Palazzo Carminati, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
103rd Young Artists Collective Exhibition, curated by Stefano Coletto, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
Workshop La postproduzione, with Antonio Manta, BAM Arezzo.
Workshop Dallo scatto alla stampa Fine Art, with Antonio Manta, ISIA Urbino.
Fili Contati, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Innesti Telemetrici II ed., group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
ISIA Parade, group exhibition, ISIA Urbino.
Workshop Live in your head. When attitudes become form, with Giulia Marchi, ISIA Urbino.
Workshop Photography is a plastic matter, with Fabio Sandri, ISIA Urbino.
Opera Prima, group exhibition curated by Riccardo Caldura, Spazi Dumbo Docks, Porto Marghera, Venice.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Liberi Passaggi, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Campo Aperto, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Volti a S'ortu Mannu, video project in collaboration with Associazione Metaforte at the natural park of S'Ortu Mannu, Sardinia.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Gullivers/Geometrie del potere, workshop curated by Aleksander Veliscek, A+A Gallery, Venice.
Clelia Cadamuro is an Italian photographer and visual artist based in Venice.
She completed a BA in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and a MA in Photography at ISIA in Urbino.
Since 2012 she has been a member of the Metaforte Cultural Association, based in Punta Sabbioni (Venice). In 2020-21 she was one of the assignees of the residencies dedicated to young artists held by the Bevilacqua la Masa foundation (Venice). She has shown her works in several exhibitions in Italy and abroad; her photographs have been published in various magazines including Perimetro, i-D Italy, Urbanautica, Zero, MUFOCO, Artribune, Domus, Exibart, Il Giornale dell'arte, ITSLIQUID and others. She has also collaborated as a photographer with several projects related to the Venice Biennale.
Main publications
Animabilia, Clelia Cadamuro, published by Giostre edizioni, 2024
Partecipazione/Beteiligung by AKT & Hermann Czech - Austrian Pavilion catalogue - La Biennale di Venezia, 18th International Architecture exhibition, 2023, (photo contributor)
Matter of Lives - notes and records on the pluriverse, edited by Noemi Biasetton, Costanza Sartoris and Matteo Vianello (photo contributor), 2023
Pulse, The Venice Art Factor. An unconventional journey through contemporary art, published by Lineadacqua edizioni, (photo contributor), 2022
Capsula, published by Corraini edizioni, collective project with ISIA Urbino, supervised by Armin Linke and Giovanna Silva, 2021
Also published on
Perimetro, Urbanautica, Vice, i-D Italy, Artribune, Exibart, Domus, Vogue Germany, Document, Purple Fashion Magazine, Ombra magazine, Elle Decor, Ytali, Zero, Cabette, Art Vibes, Youthies magazine, ITSLIQUID, E-flux, World Architecture community, Espoarte, koozArch, Contemporary art daily, Designboom, Interior Design, Contemporary Art Library, ArtsLife, Selections art magazine, Infra-magazine, Artsy, Tropical Cream, Art Asia Pacific, ArcheoMe, ArtBasic, EMC magazine, Austria Architects, Artnet, IDEA magazine, Disegno Journal.
Francesco Fabbri Award, finalist in the Contemporary Photography section, curated by Carlo Sala.
Astromimesi, Clelia Cadamuro and Cristina Porro, two-person exhibition, Joystick Space, Venice.
Sapore di sale, curated by Marta Barina, Victoria Genzini, Elisa Carassai, Alessandro Merlo, Mare Karina, Venice.
Polycopies, ISIA Urbino thesis selection curated by Paola Binante and Alberto Sinigaglia.
Mountains at (He)art, Cober, ArtNoble Gallery, Milan.
In Laguna, curated by Yasmine Helou and Nadja Romain, Palazzo Experimental, Venice.
PEP New Talents, curated by Bénédicte Blondeau, 254Forest, Brussels.
Matter of Lives, curated by Costanza Sartoris, Noemi Biasetton, and Matteo Vianello, Associazione Metaforte, Venice.
Poison Green, curated by Eva Comuzzi, Piazza San Marco Gallery, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
Artefiera Bologna, curated by Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Bologna.
Wunderbar, group show, curated by BARdaDino, Venice.
Young Artists' Residence 2021 - Palazzo Carminati, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
103rd Young Artists Collective Exhibition, curated by Stefano Coletto, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice.
Workshop La postproduzione, with Antonio Manta, BAM Arezzo.
Workshop Dallo scatto alla stampa Fine Art, with Antonio Manta, ISIA Urbino.
Fili Contati, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Innesti Telemetrici II ed., group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
ISIA Parade, group exhibition, ISIA Urbino.
Workshop Live in your head. When attitudes become form, with Giulia Marchi, ISIA Urbino.
Workshop Photography is a plastic matter, with Fabio Sandri, ISIA Urbino.
Opera Prima, group exhibition curated by Riccardo Caldura, Spazi Dumbo Docks, Porto Marghera, Venice.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Liberi Passaggi, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Campo Aperto, group exhibition, Associazione Metaforte, Punta Sabbioni, Venice.
Volti a S'ortu Mannu, video project in collaboration with Associazione Metaforte at the natural park of S'Ortu Mannu, Sardinia.
Laboratorio Aperto, painting and drawing workshop curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Miriam Pertegato, Shed 35, Forte Marghera, Venice.
Gullivers/Geometrie del potere, workshop curated by Aleksander Veliscek, A+A Gallery, Venice.